To locate an insurance agent in Ardmore, OK, we recommend you do an initial search on the internet to save yourself time. Consumers require a friendly agent, but also need competitive car insurance rates.
Many car insurance agents vie to insure your vehicles, and it can be difficult to compare rates and get the best coverage at the best rate
Ardmore agents for car insurance
Insurance agents can point out coverage gaps and help submit paperwork. One of the great benefits of comparing rates online is you may find the lowest rates but also keep your business local.
To help locate an agent, after submitting this form (opens in new window), your insurance coverage information is sent to companies in Ardmore who will battle for your business. You never need to drive around due to the fact that quote results will go immediately to your email address. Now that’s easy! You’ll get the best rates and work with a local agent.
Choosing an auto insurance agent requires more thought than just the premium amount. Any agent should be forthright in answering these questions:
- Does the agent have professional designations like CIC, CPCU or AIC?
- Can they provide you with a list of referrals?
- Do they receive special compensation for putting your coverage with one company over another?
- Does the company allow you to choose your own collision repair facility?
- What insurance company do they write the most business with?
- How long have they worked with personal auto insurance coverage?
- Does the agency have a good rating with the Better Business Bureau?
- Do clients work directly with the agent or are most inquiries handled by a CSR?
Two different types of car insurance agents
When finding a reliable agent, you need to know there are two types of agencies from which to choose. Agents can either be independent or captive.
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agents work for only one company and some examples include Allstate, Farmers Insurance or State Farm. Captives cannot place coverage with different providers so they are skilled at selling on more than just price. Captive agencies are very knowledgeable in insurance sales and that can be a competitive advantage. Some people will only buy from captive agents mainly due to the prominence of the brand and strong financial ratings.
Listed below is a short list of captive insurance agents in Ardmore who may provide you with comparison quotes.
- Shelter Insurance – 1118 N Washington St – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 226-7120
- State Farm Insurance – 1017 Cottonwood St – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 223-6417
Independent Agents
Independent agents are not employed by any specific company but rather can write business with any number of different companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. If you are not satisfied with one company, an independent agent can move your coverage and that require little work on your part.
When comparison shopping, you should always contact at a minimum one independent agency to have the most options to choose from. They often place coverage with smaller regional carriers which can be an advantage.
Below are Ardmore independent agents willing to provide rate quotes.
- Jordan-Snodgrass Agency Inc – 619 Grand Ave – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 223-3233
- Shinn Agency – 419 N Washington St – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 223-0330
- Luke Pollard Insurance – 1405 W Broadway St – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 223-2121
- Mcpherson Insurance – 333 W Main St – Ardmore, OK 73401 – (580) 226-4333
To view a complete directory of Ardmore insurance agents, please click here.
Once you have received reasonable responses to your questions and an acceptable price quote, it’s possible that you found an insurance agent that meets your needs to service your policy.
Can you buy online and save?
Local insurance agents serve a purpose, but you also have the option of buying direct from companies that only sell online. Some specific companies like Allstate and State Farm who have local Ardmore agents additionally provide the ability to quote and buy online, and that is helpful if you prefer not to work with an agent.
If you’re anxious about not getting advice from an agent, this really isn’t an issue. Online car insurance companies have customer service departments to answer any questions you may have.
Do customers save by switching to an online company? The answer is complex since there are many things that are calculated into your premium. It’s a common assumption that a consumer who buys direct lowers rates due to not having any agent compensation. But that assumption is generally incorrect because marketing expenses are significant and this tends to eat up any savings.
Final thoughts
Cheap car insurance is definitely available from both online companies as well as from independent agents in Ardmore, and you should be comparing both so you have a total pricing picture. A few companies don’t offer the ability to get a quote online and most of the time these small, regional companies sell through independent agents.
Drivers leave their current company for a number of reasons such as high prices, policy cancellation, an unsatisfactory settlement offer or not issuing a premium refund. Regardless of your reason, finding a new company is easier than you think.
For more Oklahoma car insurance information
More tips and info about car insurance can be read at the Oklahoma Insurance Department website. Oklahoma consumers can find out which companies have the most complaints, find out industry alerts, learn about insurance regulations, and find a variety of consumer forms.