Finding good auto insurance in Dillon can be challenging since selecting the best Dillon auto insurance agent for your needs is not as easy as just making a phone call. Chances are you’re wanting a good professional insurance agent, but you also want to find the lowest possible price.
With American Family, Allstate, State Farm and independent agents all competing for business in Dillon, it’s difficult to determine which provider will have the best service and rates. Thankfully, it’s easy to use online quoting to assemble a group of insurance agents and thier coverage prices.
Shop online but buy locally
Insurance agents are trained to spot inefficiencies and help file insurance claims. The biggest benefit of comparing rates online is you may find lower rates and still choose a local agent. Buying from local insurance agencies is especially important in Dillon.
For easy comparison, once you complete this short form, the quote information is emailed to companies in Dillon who will battle for your coverage. There is no reason to drive around since price quotes are sent to the email address you provide. How’s that for easy! You can find the lowest rates and work with a local agent.
Best insurance agency in Dillon
When looking for a local agent, there are two types of agencies to choose from. Agents can either be independent (non-captive) or captive.
Independent Insurance Agents
Independent insurance agents are not employed by any specific company so they have the ability to put coverage with multiple insurance companies and possibly get better coverage at lower prices. To move your coverage to a new company, your agent can switch companies and that require little work on your part.
When searching for an agent, it’s a good idea to include several independent insurance agents to have the most options to choose from. Most have the option of insuring with different regional companies which can save you money.
Listed below are Dillon independent agents who may be able to give you rate quotes.
- Kon Peters Insurance Co – 110 Fern Ln – Dillon, MT 59725 – (406) 683-5315
Agency Captives
This type of agents can only place business with one company and examples are State Farm, Allstate and AAA. These agents are not able to shop your coverage around so they have no alternatives for high prices. Captive agencies are very knowledgeable on their company’s products and that can be a competitive advantage. Some consumers prefer to purchase coverage from captives primarily because of the brand legacy and strong financial ratings.
Selecting an auto insurance agent shouldn’t rely on just the bottom line cost. Agents should be asked these questions:
- Do they have adequate Errors and Ommissions coverage? This protects you if they make a mistake.
- Do the coverages you’re quoting properly cover your vehicle?
- Who is covered by the car insurance policy?
- What insurance companies do they work with?
- Are glass claims handled on-site or do you have to take your vehicle to a repair shop?
After receiving reasonable responses to these questions as well as a affordable price, you’ve probably found an insurance agent that will service your policy.
But what about buying from online companies?
Auto insurance agents are perfect for certain consumers, but Montana drivers can also buy direct over the internet. Some companies, such as Farmers Insurance and State Farm, who sell through the agent channel also give you the ability to buy direct on their websites, so this should also be taken into consideration if you prefer to buy online.
If you’re concerned about not getting advice from an agent when buying car insurance direct, this is normal but is quickly overcome. All companies give you access to trained agents to walk you through the process. Additionally, most companies also offer live help and 24/7 access so buying online is not difficult.
Do people save by buying online? That is a tough question to answer because of the number of factors that influence how your policy is priced. Common sense would say that buying direct saves by not paying a commission. But the fact is, the cost of constant advertising is expensive and this tends to eat up any savings.
More information can be read on the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance website. Click here for link. Montana drivers can find out which companies have the most complaints, read state legal mandates and laws, and read industry bulletins.
The following information may also be useful.
And the best car insurance company is…
Consumers who switch companies do it for many reasons like questionable increases in premium, being labeled a high risk driver, poor customer service and even policy non-renewal. Regardless of your reason, finding a great new company is easier than you think.
Cheap auto insurance is available from both online companies and with local Dillon insurance agents, and you need to comparison shop both so you have a total pricing picture. Some auto insurance companies do not offer the ability to get a quote online and these small insurance companies work with independent agents.